Contact Us

Contact Us

Phone queries and complaints on the Properties Management Office are provided in all buildings under the management of this company; home owners/tenants can directly notify the Properties Management Office. Additionally, there is 24-hour phone hotline and all home owners/tenants are welcome to comment, in order to improve the services that we provide.

  • Address : 6/F, Golden Centre, 188 Des Voeux Road Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
  • Phone : (852) 2545-5109
  • Fax : (852) 2543-2161
  • Email :

If you have any query, please fill in the following form properly; the company will contact you as soon as possible.

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Before submitting your application, please read the privacy statementcarefully.If you do not agree to the same, your application will not be processed.


To strengthen communication with home owners/tenants, suggestion boxes are set up in the halls of all buildings so that they can provide their suggestions and comments, to enable continual improvement of the services in all buildings.