Press Release

Sustainable Business Award 2015


awarded The Sustainable Business Award

From 2016 onwards, all the listed companies in Hong Kong are required to comply with the new ESG reporting guidelines to enhance business transparency on their social responsibility. This acts as an important incentive to urge those enterprises to develop a better sustainable development strategy. In response to the above change, WGO organized the “Sustainable Business Award”, so as to encourage enterprises to pursue sustainable development goals of social responsibility. WGO encourages the participating enterprises to achieve these goals via improving the quality of the working environment, promoting environmental conservation, good business practices and active community involvement. The first” Sustainable Business Award”, was receiving an enthusiastic response from various corporations. The awards ceremony was held on 18th December at the Zero Carbon Building, Kowloon Bay. Congratulations!! Henderson Land Group- Property Management (Hang Yick and Well Born) had been awarded The Sustainable Business Award 2015 organized by WGO.