Press Release

2015/16 Family-Friendly Employers Award


received  Family-Friendly Employers Award

The 2015/16 Family-Friendly Employers Award Scheme organised by the Home Affairs Bureau and the Family Council recognises employers who attach importance to the family-friendly spirit, encourages them to continue to put in place measures to raise employers' awareness of the importance of family core values, and aims to foster a pro-family culture and environment. The Award Scheme has received an encouraging response. Henderson Land Group Property Management Department (Hang Yick) has received “Special Mention(Gold) this time to recognise of being awarded “Family-Friendly Employer in three rounds, and also, Hang Yick has received “Distinguished Family-Friendly Employer” as well. The presentation ceremony was inaugurated officially by Mrs. Carrie Lam, GBS, JP , Chief Secretary for Administration.