Press Release

Hang Yick has been awarded the "MD- Grand Prize Award"


Award of  the "MD- Grand Prize Award"

Hang Yick Properties Management Ltd of Henderson Land Group Property Management Department, has been awarded the "MD- Grand Prize Award” for 2017-18 of Manpower Developer Award Scheme" by the Employees Retraining Board (ERB). ERB would like to acknowledge to those organizations with outstanding accomplishments in manpower development with this award. Over the years, Hang Yick has been continually supporting the manpower training and development with recruitment from retraining programs and to create employment opportunities for the unemployed, regardless of the outstanding number of recruitment from the council, the outstanding rate of recruitment ratio, and the outstanding rate of retention from recruitment. In addition, Hang Yick has developed internal training which has tailor made by training institutes based on the demand of the industry focusing on customer service, fire safety, first aid, housing estates maintenance. Those training are not only to improve the quality of service from employees but also to strengthen their sense of belonging which can be beneficial to the employees, employers and society.