Hang Yick Properties Management Limited

Press Release

Home Market the seventh store opened on 30th June 2015


Home Market the seventh store To Kwa Wan officially opened on 30th June 2015. Mr. Matthew CHEUNG Kin-chung, GBS, JP, Secretary for Labour and Welfare of the HKSAR Government, graced the grand opening as the officiating guest. Also present to show their support were Founder of Home Market cum CPPCC Standing Committee cum Vice Chairman of the Henderson Land Development Company Limited, Dr. Lee Ka Kit, GBS , JP, Executive Director of Henderson Land Development Company Limited cum Director of Loving Foundation Limited, Mr. Suen Kwok-lam, BBS, MH, JP, Members of Hong Kong's Legislative Council and Team of Care. Home Market is a pioneering poverty relief project that comprises a chain of not-for-profit convenience stores selling food and daily necessities at bargain prices to underprivileged people. Launched by the Henderson Land Group’s Vice Chairman Mr Lee Ka Kit in May 2012, and supported by Lee Shau Kee Foundation as the founding sponsor. Our clientele comprises the Senior Citizens, the Disabled, Low-income families, recipients of the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance Scheme, New Arrivals and Ethnic Minorities.