2005-06 Year of Integrity
The “Integrity Year” mainly aims at promoting loyalty, integrity and virtue, and arousing citizens to treat people and conduct themselves in the society with integrity for the joint creation of a fair, clean and harmonious society. We encourage ourselves with the motto of “keeping sincere and integral while maintaining clean and honest virtues” in an effort to become the most integral, the cleanest and the most honest property management company in Hong Kong, if not the most prestigious one in Hong Kong. The “Integrity Year” covers the activities conducted in 2005 and 2006, whose curtain was raised with the “Integrity Year Slogan Creation Competition” for home owners/tenants, employees and cooperation partners, and in which many “Training Classes for Integrity Management Tutors” were run with the help of the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC). More than 300 persons have already completed the courses, and in the days to come, various activities and training sessions will be conducted from the parts to the whole to promote a clean and honest atmosphere all around.